Your first update

When you first click on a game, you will see an empty list of updates. To add an update, click the “Add new update” button in the top right corner.

If your game is a downloadable game, you will first need to upload a build to the TMC.

Making an update

On the game update page, in the “Details” tab you will be able to make a number of changes to your game. In the “Preview” tab you can see a preview of what your game will look like in the launcher once updated.

Updating build information

You can attach a new build to your game, link to a website or change the status of the game.

Updating metadata

This is also where you can change things like your game’s title, description, genre, and more. You can also assign a custom Call To Action (CTA) for the play button in the launcher.

Updating store images

Game updates also include your game’s store images.

Other updates

Other items you can update include:

  • Which chains your game supports
  • Social links
  • Images for how your game is presented on the Treasure website

Submitting your update

When you are ready, click either the “Deploy for Internal Testing” button or the “Submit Update” button.

  • “Deploy for Internal Testing” will deploy your game for internal testing and only allow listed testers will be able to see it.
  • “Submit Update” will submit your game update for review and will be visible to everyone once approved.