Treasure Chain
Network Details
Treasure (Mainnet)
Chain Name | Treasure |
Chain ID | 61166 (0xEEEE) |
RPC (HTTP) | |
RPC (WS) | wss:// |
Explorer | | API Docs |
verifyURL | |
Native/Gas Token | MAGIC |
L1 Chain | Token | eth | MAGIC |
Stack | ZK Stack |
Data Availability | EigenDA |
Treasure Topaz (Testnet)
Chain Name | Treasure Topaz |
Chain ID | 978658 (0xEEEE2) |
RPC (HTTP) | |
RPC (WS) | wss:// |
Explorer | | API Docs |
verifyURL | |
Native/Gas Token | MAGIC |
L1 Chain | Token | sepolia | MAGIC |
Stack | ZK Stack |
Data Availability | Validium |
External Nodes
External nodes are nodes that are not operated by Treasure and or our RaaS provider. ENs can be operated by anyone, and are not required to be run by a trusted party. Please refer to our treasure-node repo for more information.
Partners interested in running nodes can reach out to the Treasure team for further information.