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The Treasure ecosystem is full of apps, games, and integrations.

Developer Tools


Goldsky is a high-performance data indexing provider that makes it easy to extract, transform, and load on-chain data to power both application and analytics use cases.

Goldsky offers two primary approaches to indexing and accessing blockchain data:

  • Subgraphs (high-performance subgraphs)
  • Mirror (real-time data replication pipelines)

View Goldsky Docs



Hyperlane is a highly customizable, permissionless and open interoperability framework to connect between chains.

With Hyperlane, developers can seamlessly deploy Warp Routes that allow any ERC20, ERC721, or native tokens to move effortlessly between chains.

Optionally, general message passing can also be leveraged for lower-level or custom use cases.

Hyperlane’s CLI is a powerful tool for setting up Warp Routes and interacting with deployed contracts and registries.

Topaz has been added to the canonical registry, bringing full support via the CLI (see hyperlane-registry).

LayerZero v2

Enables applications to move data across blockchains, uniquely supporting censorship-resistant messages and permissionless development through immutable smart contracts. Learn more at

Endpoints will be deployed in the near future.


Endpoint Address0x6C7Ab2202C98C4227C5c46f1417D81144DA716Ff
DVN Address0xf49d162484290eaead7bb8c2c7e3a6f8f52e32d6


Infrastructure public good for making attestations onchain or offchain about anything. Learn more at

SchemaRegistry0x835b43B8a0Accecc6692241d198DCC84e8481297 [link]
EAS0x4A0f19c2f5dab1101C83e625Ec875A1522D535CD [link]
EAS Indexer0x72E111cC67cBf4EF6Cb9e43Bae303274cc3B0AE2 [link]
