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🏅Portal Quests

Explore the Treasure Chain and Portal through a quest line, all while earning rewards.


Dive into the Treasure Portal's quests to experience the testnet's features while earning rewards in the form of Shards, Gems, and more. Designed to guide and reward active users, these quests offer a hands-on approach to exploring Treasure.


Discover the Treasure testnet through a series of quests, beginning with some of the basics to collect testnet MAGIC using the faucet, minting a commemorative NFT, and bridging into the Treasure testnet from Sepolia.

-> See all available portal quests

Upcoming Quests

Stay tuned for more quests as they become available. Enjoy your journey through the Treasure Portal and the Treasure Chain's exciting testnet environment!

Keep an eye on your progress in the 'Available Quests' section and track the rewards you've earned. Each completed quest not only offers a practical understanding of the chain's features but also brings you closer to future rewards and incentives!

Last updated