Badges Implementation

Guide for games to integrate badges into Treasure

Step 1: Design Your Badge

Before determining which use case suits your needs, please review the Treasure Badge Design Guide for how to prepare the image assets for your badge.

Step 2: Identify Your Use Case

Choose one of the three use cases that best suits your needs.

(1) Host Badges on the TreasureBadges contract, Treasure app handles claiming/display

For spinning up a badge quickly without your own Badge infra:

  • Provide us a way to check "is wallet address X is eligible to claim your badge B?". Some options: (a) static list of addresses (WL) [examples: plaintext list, or JSON array of strings], (b) API call, (c) contract method, (d) whether the user possesses a particular ERC721/ERC1155/ERC20 token.

  • Send us the image assets designed according to the guidelines in Treasure Badge Guide.

  • Provide us the metadata in the REQUIRED section described below in Metadata.

(2) Host Badges tracking + claiming yourself, display on Treasure app

Best for decentralization:

  • Send us the image assets designed according to the guidelines in Treasure Badge Guide.

  • Provide us the metadata in both the REQUIRED + OPTIONAL sections described in Metadata.

(3) Host Badge tracking yourself, allow claiming/display of Badge from Treasure app

For decentralized hosting of badges w/ possibility to let users claim from Treasure app:

  • Provide us a way to check "is wallet address X is eligible to claim your badge B?". Some options: (a) static list of addresses (WL) [examples: plaintext list, or JSON array of strings], (b) API call, (c) contract method, (d) whether the user possesses a particular ERC721/ERC1155/ERC20 token.

  • Send us the image assets designed according to the guidelines in Treasure Badge Guide.

  • Provide us the metadata in both the REQUIRED + OPTIONAL sections described in Metadata.

  • Tell us input parameters needed to call your badge contract to claim a badge. Example: for Treasure badges, eligible users are given a struct (ClaimInfo) and a signature to the TreasureBadges contract to claim the badge on-chain.

Step 3: Provide Us Metadata About Your Badge

The following is a subset of the TypeScript schema we use for representing Badge configurations in our backend.

interface BadgeInfo {
    // REQUIRED: Basic info for the badge.
    displayName: string; // Example: 'Socializer'
    description?: string; // Example: 'Connect all socials'
    descriptionGerund?: string; // Example: 'connecting my socials'
    imageUri: string; // Send to us and we can host. Or provide your own URI.
    externalUrl?: string; // Example: ''

    // OPTIONAL: If you are managing your own badge contract, these fields let
    // Treasure check whether the badge has been claimed.
    claimConfig?: {
        // Supported chains:
        // 'arb' (Arbitrum)
        // 'arbnova' (Arbitrum Nova)
        // 'eth' (Ethereum mainnet)
        // 'arbgoerli' (Arbitrum Goerli)
        // 'sepolia' (Sepolia)
        chain: string;
        // Contract address for your self-managed badge contract.
        badgeAddress: string;
        // Token ID within your badge contract.
        badgeTokenId: string;
        // And any other metadata relevant to checking your badge status.

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