Treasure Connect Cover

Treasure Connect ships with our TDK(s) and provides a seamless onboarding and account experience for users/players. It allows users/players to spin up accounts through a variety of means (email, social, EOA, etc.) and seamlessly interact with our backend as well as all public and Treasure chains.

For further information on the player-facing experience, reference Ecosystem -> Treasure Connect.

Key Concepts

  1. In-App Wallet Creation: If players authenticate via any method besides a Web3 wallet (i.e., email, social SSO, passkey, phone number, etc.), an in-app wallet is created and associated to their login method.
  2. Treasure Account (AA): The in-app wallet is used as an admin signer for the Treasure Account, which is the address displayed to users. This is not an EOA wallet, but a smart contract wallet that can be controlled by admins and temporary signers. It has no private keys - the only way to interact with it is with an admin or valid signer account.
  3. Self-Custodial: In-app wallets are self-custodial, meaning the player can export the private keys at any time.
  4. TDK API: Our backend services handle all blockchain writes, so there is no need to create any in-game wallet connections.