The process, required information, and guidelines that need to be followed for games or collections to list on the Treasure platform.

In order to ease the onboarding for collections interested in being listing on Treasure, all collections will need to follow a standardized framework and process. Rather than reinvent the wheel, we will be leveraging best practices and standards followed by the majority of NFT marketplaces.

Architectural Requirements

As you build and design your collections, please ensure that you abide by:

For more details, see Metadata Support.

Listing Process

The below outlines the high-level process for listing on the Treasure:

  1. Submit the Ecosystem Application Form
  2. Review by the Treasure partnerships team
  3. Discuss candidacy with prospective partner
  4. Decision made to implement or reject

As an initially curated marketplace, not all collections will be accepted.

For more information on Treasure’s Builders Program, click here.

Required Information

Once a partner has been accepted to list their collection(s) on the Treasure Marketplace, the following details are required:

  • Logistical Details
    • Requested launch timing
    • Contacts (Discord IDs)
  • Collection Details
    • Main Project Name (i.e. to group related collections together)
    • Requested Collection URL Slug
    • Network + Contract Address
    • Collection Name
    • Collection Description
    • Banner Image (1536x256 as a .png/.jpg/.gif)
    • Thumbnail image (600x600 as a .png/.jpg/.gif)
    • Links (if applicable):
      • Discord
      • Twitter
      • Website
      • Instagram
      • Game
    • Royalty Fee (between 0-20%)
    • Royalty Recipient Address


For details regarding parameters that may result in a collection being delisted, please visit Delisting Framework.